WT SmartCityAward 2017


REVURBANISM (Revolution+Urbanism)

Richard Moreta Castillo

Revurbanism (Revolution+Urbanism) is the new model in the conception of the physiology and architecture of our new cities, which will be based on new states of the technologies, supported by renewable sources of energy. Minimizing our footprint on land and extended to the sea. The application of this new conception will not be developed in a simple process, but with the right measures, this will mean anticipating the obstacles of the future. KOM will be the first “Canopy City" and Auto Free City" to develop at the level of the treetops and will be restricted the use of fossil fuel transport vehicles and automobiles on its elevated surface.
The garden city will have surface circulation networks, making its streets pleasant to be able to walk, interact and play in light spaces and cool temperatures, refreshing shadows, comfort and intimacy.
The ultimate goal is to achieve the maximum balance between quality of life and environmental impact.

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